Sunday, January 6, 2013

Art horse shows

Dance in Indonesia is very diverse in their respective provinces may have more than 3 art art, art is an asset that needs to be preserved for each region to attract domestic or foreign countries to gain revenue and result in use for regional development

horse shows art from Java. culture era horse shows previously not art java but the penghijrah
aart horse shows usually bring more or less 25 people
which is divided into several sections for .9 person to dancers, 5orang for gamelan players, 2 people for restoring, 9-15 guard the area.
However, in something of unity, the number of specialists is 40 people. A rather than the dancers act as leader was called "Danyang". Dancers typically wear uniforms

Friday, January 4, 2013

Let's start a list of google adwords

This is my first article when to make a blog. So please understand when they copy and paste. At that time I wanted to learn google adwords and negrti not at all. Yes from the dizzy ... your looking better I put into this blog. So every time I do not understand about google adwords ya live I open aja.
But now seems to have a lot of changes in their own google adwords. As some of the rules or have a different menu. If now I prefer to use the guidance provided in GM Susanto ... a more complete and more cost effective. All versions of the guidelines are very detailed video tutorials and complete. We stayed modeled and practiced.
After reading and watching the video tutorial GM Susanto .. I'm sure my friends will be easier to advertise through google adwords and more effective because it is accompanied by choosing keywords targeted at minimal cost but maximum results.
Okay ... that much was yes intermezzo from me ... make a comment that this artiekel like Ronald Kang ... I thank you for criticism. Hopefully we can still be friends through this virtual world. The following article on google adwords Ronald Kang:

How to Apply Google adwords

As you all already know, the number one place to do a search on the internet is ... Google. Nothing beats Google as the search engine one of the most accurate numbers.

If there is a question as to whether Google's? everybody would say, where to find the solution number 1 on the internet. As an internet marketer, our answer is slightly different.
Is Google it?
Google is looking for a potential buyer number 1 on the internet. It's a fact that has been proven ..
With Google, you can make your website appear when someone types a word in the box searchnya. What is typed in the search box referred to as keywords. You will only pay Google when your ad is clicked. Therefore, the way to advertise is called PPC (Pay Per Click), aka pay for each click.
Well, how to use Google as an advertising medium
To be able to advertise on Google, you have to register on Google Adwords. If you have a list, click the link below
=> List of Google Adwords
Sign in Adwords free, but to use it you have to perform activation with a credit card for $ 5. Mandatory use of credit cards.
Well, once you sign up, go to your Google AdWords account and go to the menu campaign summary
Just a note, for the first time sign up, will automatically immediately told to make campaign. Well langkah2nya sequence might be a little bit different. My guide is for an already active (as I've already activated). But it still helps the explanation anyway, just in a slightly different order bit.
If so, click the link next to the posts targeted keywords create new campaign:
Targeted keywords will trigger your ads based on the keywords you want, while the placement-targeted ads will bring you to the website you want. To guide this time, we will try to keyword-targeted.
After clicking the link keyword-targeted, you will go to the settings page of your first ad
Write the name of your campaign your campaign on the column name (give it a name that clearly distinguishes the campaign to another, such as the name of the advertised website).
In the Name your ad group, enter the keyword to set the keywords that you want to include later. For example, a collection of keywords containing the word chocolate milk, you name the group, chocolate milk. Get used to classify your adgroup for each main keyword to be easily analyzed later.
To use language that your customers, choose the language used by your target market. Generally it is English (this time, most people who like beli2 stuff online that of the United States - Indonesia most people still like clack click advertising if curious, but rarely buy, right?)
The following page is to select the target location on your ad
Pick a country and territories to put an ad on a particular country. Region and city to put an ad on a specific city, and customized to define more specific areas such as your specific coordinates of the satellite (wow..).
Then click continue
Next is to choose the country you want your ads to appear. Generally does the U.S. alone. But I recently discovered a new trick to know what the most common search for a particular keyword. Go to this website to find out please open
Well, after determining the location of the country that you seek (I still stick to the U.S., rata2 people who like shopping using credit cards there), click on the continue button.

Enter the text of your ad here. Here is tips
• Write a sentence that makes people curious
• Write sentences controversial
• Provide sentence questions if necessary
• Write down your keywords in your ad copy. When your ad appears next will be bold and stand out compared to other ads
Next is the selection of keywords

Well, enter the keywords you want here. Later when people type in these keywords, your ad appears warranted. Tips from me is do not put a lot of keywords to thousands / hundreds.

Google has a system like this, if they believe in quality and often your ad is clicked people, then the cost-per-click you can bargain with itself. Now, where did I see that your ad is qualified or not? Then with a slight impression many clicked on your ad, your ad means good. Well, if you are thousands of keywords, it is definitely the number of his clicks and keywords that you seek are not comparable. Bisa2 impression that clicking just millions but tens. So the quality of your ads can be ugly and the price so high.

Tips from me is, do not use just a feeling you to select keywords. Sometimes we feel the feeling is much sought after keywords, but the reality is not necessarily like that. Enter a keyword only It will suffice for keywords that appear there are a lot of people must be sought. However, not everything is good quality too. There will be a trick to find the quality
If so, click continue ..

Well, this picture appears if your keyword contains certain words that needed the approval of the law in the United States. Do not be concerned, just click next again
After that, the ad creation process is completed, will display like this

Click Save Ad Group and be done.

There is still a configuration that can be set, you just select the campaign (advertising) and click edit settings

This is your campaign setup screen. In the budget, you can determine your budget per day. Thus, if the amount of fees to be paid exceeds $ 10,000, then your ad will not appear again. This is very important. Management of advertising costs should be the focus of your attention. Do not wait until you are debt-ridden and bankrupt the same Google instantly!

Keyword bidding only to determine the standard price of your keywords.
Ad Scheduling to specify what time you want to display your ads. So for example you think your market is only active at night, then your ad tampilkanlah only at night only.

Well, there is an option to enable position preference. This one should be clickable, meaning that we can determine our ad appears in position keberapa. This is a trick that is very telling. Make sure your ads only appear on the first page, but it does not have to appear.

Ad Serving, as described in his writings. I never ubah2 this one. Ads appearing regularly at any time will be more effective than ads that appear. Imagine if the same tv advertising appearing berkali2 and consecutive day, the audience definitely upset.

Well, this is to choose where your ads appear
Google Search means your ads will only show up when people do a search
Search Network means that your ads appear on Google's other partners, such as Ask Jeeves (Search engine etc.)

Content Network it means your ad will appear on adsense another person / other people pages
Content Bids means you can set different prices for advertising on the content network.

Tips from me is, you have to choose according to your needs. When you type a website to sell, then you need a buyer, not just immigrants. So show your ads only on the search network. So people who go to your website only orang2 seek solutions of the problem.

But if your website contains a variety of information and you want a lot of people who just want to come including lihat2, then place your ad on the content network. Because the people who click on ads on other people's websites is iseng2 people interested in your ad copy. Please note, if you plug in the content network, can impressionnya lot. It is suitable for adsense type website (it took a lot of visitors who like iseng2 click).

Well, my other tricks are quite telling is to determine the position of your ad to be displayed.
This trick only applies if you check the posts enable position preference
Go into your campaign, then go to the ad group you want.
Choose keywords tab to display all your keywords

Check the boxes for all of your keywords, keywords and select edit settings

Well, if you have activated enable preferece position, there will be parts of Position Preference. Specify only 1 to 8, because the first page only contains 8 ads. Then click the small box next to the picture to apply for this rule to all keywords. If so click save changes.

Thus, your ad will only be shown on the first page. If it does not appear on the first page, do not be performing as well.

How to advertise zitti Indonesia

This time I talk about local PPC Sitti, this time I will give you one more way to monetize your blog by displaying ads from Infolink. Infolinks is an in-text advertising broker, this site is broken advertising displays text ads on the blog, for example if you look at this blog there will be a green paper with a line at the bottom of the article. As it ads from Infolinks (see picture), and every one click that link each publisher will get the money, the picture like that.

Certainly value less clicks than Google Adsense but there are advantages, namely that ngeklik far more from Google Adsense, in my long experience of Infolink advertise these, 100 people then there will be 7 people click on ads from Infolinks while ngeklik Google Adsense only one person there. So I think Infolinks is the potential to earn extra income at all.

Infolinks can put on your blog in Indonesian and English blogs, but of course the english blog more profitable and bring in more money. To list Infonlinks not difficult. How about the same as google adsense, that should put a blog in English first and then we put on the blog Indonesian. For my friends who are interested in following this tutorial how to register and how to advertise Infolink:

How to Apply Infolink
You must first create a blog in English at least 5 articles (it is up to the platform blogspot or wordpress)
Then open the infolinks website here
Then click "Join us now!"
The next step is to register
* Website URL: fill in the English language blog that has been made
* Website language: English
* Salutation & first name: first name
* Last name: Your last name
* Email: Your email
* Password: email password be the same difference
* Password confirmation: re-enter your password above
* Comments: kosongin ajah
* Read approvals (skip it ...)
* Check all options
* Content Verification with writing underneath
* Continue
After that you will be taken to another page which in turn is no script infolinks. Copy the script, put on the blog in English, examples of the script like this:
<script type='text/javascript'>
     var infolink_pid = 156 179;
     infolink_wsid var = 1;
</ Script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
Up here the registration process is complete, now just put on your blog.

How to Put Ads Infolink
Login to blogger with your account
Then select Dashboard
After that click Design select Edit HTML
Do not forget to check Expand Widget Templates
Drag the scroll to the bottom of the search </ body>
Put the script from last infolinks above </ body>
Later Save Template, the installation process is finished ads from Infolink
Now you have to wait about 2 to 3 days, if a blog has appeared in English means you are advertising infolinks approve so Infolinks publisher. Well, the next step is you just attach this script on blogs that use the Indonesian language. Very simple and straightforward is not it? So earlier tutorial how to list and advertise from infolink, good luck and hopefully useful.

For adsense registry there are 2 stages

Immediately sign up for a Google adsense publisher since Google Adsense is now officially supported Indonesian blog. For those who already have a Google Adsense account and have a blog that has long been poor across the virtual world but have not been fitted with google adsense for Indonesian blog without lengthy then simply plug the Google Adsense on his blog.

There are different from the registration of the new Google Adsense Publisher. Process approved / approval to Google Adsense publisher now into 2 phases. To be more clear, the following phases Google adsense publisher registration :
Blogger Google Adsense fill out the registration form by entering your personal data (name, address, email) and a blog that will be fitted with Google Adsense ads.
Wait a review of Google, can a week, a day, or even some that an hour depending karep e si champion ...
Succeed or fail, there will be a notification to the email used during registration. If unsuccessful please try again scouring other blogs were closed there may be prizes he he ..
If successful, do not like it, there's still one more step that must be followed in order to Google adsense account actually approved the champion. So roughly the content of email like this:
"Welcome to Google Adsense, ... Your application is still being reviewed places. You will see only the background of your webpage instead of live content ads untill your account has been fully approved."
For a list of Indonesian use email like this:
"Welcome to Google Adsense, .... you can start placing Adsense code on your site. Aware that initially you will not see the real ad, which appears only blank ads, this happens karen account is still under review."
Who do not understand what the purpose of the email like this explanation:
Google Adsense Account was half done, your job after receiving such notice immediately put Google Adsense code on your blog listed, code / script taken from Google Adsense can login to Google Adsense and create a new ad unit. Plug in the normal places like in the sidebar or in the header, do not plug the weird place like floating ads, popups, let alone fitted autoclick script. Although it has been installed, the Google Adsense ads will not appear because it is still in the review process. Wait 4 days of work, check email again if you actually approved or not. When your account is approved it before Google Adsense ads do not show up will present itself. If not accepted, it was fate times ... try again another time.
According to what I read and read on ... (Forgot where huh?)
Registration adsense account to 2 stage to inhibit the Google Adsense account creation by making services adsense account. Formerly, many adsense accounts made by the service account creator and blogger adsense adsense trouble registering and repeatedly rejected adsense account making use of these services with only a capital of 50 ~ 100 thousand adsense account already in hand. Services adsense account creator can create a Google Adsense account many times without making any blog and sold freely to bloggers matre
With the policy change approval process into two stages this account, would merit Adsense account creator can still make wishes like Google Adsense account before, please ask the person who opened it to the adsense service

The mission and goals of the blogger

Have you ever thought about why and what one's goals when creating a blog? Of course, in addition to imagination and expression pour hearts, a lot of goals that can be obtained from Blogging activity. Nowadays a lot of blog creation service providers, from paid or free, to names such as Blogspot, WordPress is no stranger to the ear.

But that should be considered for what the bloggers make their blogs, from simple to very complex. But, let us first remember what is actually Blog it? If the version of Metal cup itself, Blog is short for web logs, web applications that resemble writings (published in the form of posts) and usually accessible to all Internet users, according to the topic and a desire Blogger itself. From this will arise the question what the purpose of a blogger make a blog? A little clarification Metal Cups describe:

1. For media advertise or introduce something.
Sometimes an entrepreneur, institutions, or organizations tend to use blogs for advertising media such as introducing products, making official site organization, or as a means of Social Network.
2. To get penghasilanseperti to Advertise earlier, is earning is to sell something through a blog or a Publisher (Publisher Ad) by following a program like google adsense,.
3. To share knowledge of a blogger who also have other skills, such as a computer or a farm sometimes create a blog to document his knowledge, or that can be learned by others.
4. For a daily record (experience) or a hobby
A blogger also often include their personal experiences to be posted on the blog. Experience included reference to a different and somewhat strange or extreme.
5. Providing a service or specific information
  Here blog is designed to provide a service or certain information, such as providing information about the world of computers, providing data performance ever achieved by Indonesia, free movie download services, etc..
Keep in mind a blogger would be happy if they aim to create a blog has been fulfilled, but there are several other things that also make the bloggers happy, among other things:
The number of visitors and pagerank. With so many visitors and pagerank, a blogger becomes a passion for taking care of her blog, it was because a blogger has pride and satisfaction and do not want to disappoint their visitors if they have a lot of visitors. Or for money seekers the opportunity to earn more money will increase.
Suggestions and Feedback (Comments) Comments also can be considered a form of concern for visitors to the blog are visited, and a proof that the visitor actually follow and read a blog post. As in Facebook, if the status we got a lot more comments then we are happy and passion for status updates, otherwise if we never comment on status would certainly be reluctant to open up. So, if we visit a blog ought to leave comments, whether it's criticism, suggestions or just thanks.

learning Programmers java

There are many kinds of programming in the world of computers or technology for example Java programs and the Web, as well as many others. But here we will discuss about the two programming, web and java. We will learn web programming and java.
Learning Web Programming-WWW

If defined, the web is a computer network consisting of various sites that offer text and offers a chart also illustrates a voice over internet protocol hypertext such a course
Web is also famous for its world wide web or abbreviated as WWW. WWW is a service of the internet's most popular among the other because the Internet is also widely used by the WWW service kerika coming. Well, this goes to the WWW protocol HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol.

The web page contains an HTML syntax that can be translated through the internet browser. HTML is able to create a variety of content ranging from graphics, text, animation and video that can be seen when using the internet to look for an update.
Web now becomes a standard interface of all the services available on the internet. Almost a whole using www. The advantages of web applications more than the desktop application that makes web adopted by the company and serve as the information technology strategy.
Some of the reasons why choosing to learn web programming with the www, this is the reason. The first is due to the easy access to information, and server setup is also easy, also because this information is easily distributed, and the latter because free platform so that information can be presented by a browser with a variety of operating systems are different.
Web Programming - HTTP
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, or HTTP is a protocol used for transferring various documents contained in the world wide web. For the development of HTTP was coordinated by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working in a series which they describe HTTP RFC are now commonly used, namely HTTP / 1.1.
HTTP has a duty to ask and answer the relationship between the client and the server. Typically, a client of HTTP as a web browser will initiate a request by dealing with IP headed to a specific port. Then, the server from the HTTP port that will listen and wait for the client to send a request code. Then after some code then processes the request received and the server determines whether the request was successful or answer or other errors.
Well, that's the way the work of web programming so that we can get a variety of requests we are on the internet, be it data, video, pictures or anything else.
Programming Web 1.0 and Web 2.0
Apart from the name of the web 1.0 and 2.0 has some significant differences, here's the difference:
Read write user behavior.
The main perpetrators of corporate users and their communities.
Relationship with the client-server server peer to peer.
Programming languages ​​HTML and XML content viewer.
The pattern of relationships with publishers and users in the direction of two-way interactive.
Content management taxonomy or directory also from folksonomies or marker.
Serving a variety of channels of information portal RSS or syndication.
Relationships between accessor.
Content sources publisher or owner of the site users.
Web 1.0 is the first generation of the web and is the latest revolution of the Internet world because of the presence of Web 1.0 has changed the workings of the industry and the media.
Web 2.0 is the second generation of the web by bringing forward a collaboration by sharing information online. Or may be referred to as the business revolution in the computer world since the use of the Internet is used as a platform.
Well, this is an attempt to know and understand how the rules in order to know how to achieve success on that new platform. Some Web 2.0-based services these include social networks, flickr, and wiki.
For web 3.0 is still debate among researchers and analysts. Web 3.0 is claimed to have the potential to become the next generation technology for the web version of this definition can be accessed Broadbrand mean as mobile and web services on demand.
That was the difference between the web version 1.0, version 2.0 and version 3.0 web. Now we will turn to the language of web programs.
This is a web programming language you need to know:
HTML is a markup language that is used in the manufacture of a web page. Web browser using HTML example is Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. PHP or Personal Home Page widely used in a dynamic website. Most PHP on a Linux operating system.
ASP or Active Server Pages is a web programming language to create a dynamic web pages. ASP is working on the web server. XML or Extensible Markup Language is a W3C recommended markup used for the description of a variety of data.
WML or Wireless Markup Language or languages ​​used in an XML-based applications. WML is the language used wireless program.
PERL is a Unix operating system for the machine as well as to the operating system, DOS, BeOS, Windows, VMS, PocketPC and EBCDIB. CFM created using ColdFusion and Adobe ColdFusion software. Javascript is a scripting language that runs reliably for the client.
CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a stylesheet language used in the display settings document written in a markup language. CSS is specifically regulated by the W3C or World Wide Web Consortium.
Java Programming
Java is a programming language that can be used by a computer or by mobile phone. Java-based applications are generally compiled into p-code and can run with the java virtual machine. Java adlah its general or non-specific. The functionality of the Java makes this application can run several different operating system platforms.
In accordance with the slogan "Write once, run anywhere". Now become a java programming language the most popular and widely used for the development of various software.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Java
First, Multiplatform. This is the major advantage of Java is that it can be run in multiple platforms or computer operating system in accordance with the slogan that has been discussed earlier.
Then, OOP or Object Oriented Programming. Java has a complete library or library. Libraries in question here is a collection of progeam included in Java. It would be easy to make use of the programmers. Completeness of the library is getting big again with the Java community.
There is also no lack of definite advantages here are some deficiencies possessed by Java. Although there are several platforms that demonstrate the advantages of Java, but there is also lack of owned Java slogan "Write once, run anywhere". But there are some things that time is not yet compatible or relevant to one platform with one platform to another. For instance for the J2SE platform SWT-AWT bridge that will not work with Mac OS X.
Another shortcoming is easy to didekompilasi. Decompilation is reversing a ready-made code into the source code. That may be possible because the code is so Java bytecode that stores the language with a high level. This happens also in the Microsoft NET Platform. So it would be easy to program pirated because the program is difficult to hide.
Then, the other due to lack of memory Java uses a lot, larger than the high-level language in a generation before there was Java. However, this problem does not apply to all technologies. Only people who use computer technology or machinery that has been aged longer or more than four years experience this problem. However, not the case with people who use the latest version of the technology. 

Tips to sharpen memory

1. Brain game
A program called Lumosity, developed with the help of neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists from Stanford University and the University of California at San Francisco, is specifically designed for parents who wish to improve memory, concentration, waking, and even their mood.
Of course, there's always the classic brain exercise and cheap, such as Sudoku and crossword puzzles that can be found anywhere. The exercises that will inspire knowledge and help the nerves in the brain interconnected.
2. Wake up in the morning and smell the rosemary.
In a 2003 study, psychologists asked 144 volunteers to conduct a series of tests on long-term memory, the workings of memory, and test the reaction and attention. Some people do the test in an odor-free room, some in the room with the smells of rosemary essential oil, and the rest worked with lavender smells Minya.
As a result, those who work in the room by having great results in long-term memory and working memory compared to those working in the room without smells, while working in the non-scented lavender worse in terms of working memory. Furthermore, those who work in rosemary-scented room feel more awake than those who work in the control room (no smells). Well, who works in the lavender-scented room was more sleepy.
3. Food for thought
To keep the memories remain young despite the aging brain, researchers suggest that eating foods rich in antioxidants like blueberries, apples, bananas, dark green vegetables, onions, and carrots.
Antioxidants are molecules that bind and neutralize easily electrons are called "free radicals" that roam freely in the bloodstream. These free radicals increases with age and can kill brain.
Secondly, most of the brain is made of healthy fats, including the most important omega-3. In order that the brain can repair itself and become neurons are connected properly, we must provide the right food for the brain. Well, the omega-3 found in many types of fish and nuts.
4. Chewing gum
Research conducted in 2002 in the United Kingdom found that chewing gum gives better results on tests of long-term memory and short-term compared with those who did not chew anything.
The scientists suspect, gum chewing action will produce saliva, which increases heart rate, or it affects the function of a brain area called the hippocampus that causes the body to release insulin in preparation for food metabolism.

List of Indonesian adsense fairly easy

How to List Direct Approve Google Adsense
how to register google adsense I will try to discuss on this occasion.
before I discuss more about how to register google adsense, there's no harm in me trying to explain what is google adsense. Google Adsense is a Google-owned business enterprise based cooperative advertising programs through the Internet. Since 2006 Google Adsense become a phenomenon of bloggers to earn an income online and still exist to this day. The owner of the website or blog will get a profit sharing revenue from Google for each ad clicked by visitors to the site, also known as a pay per click (ppc).

Now we are directly on the discussion of how to register google adsense. For that you please refer to google adsense how to list the following:
The first step of course you must have a Gmail account first, because it will be easier to Approve Google Adsense if you use gmail. And also Gmail itself is part of Google's Corporate Services. So the opportunity to join the Google Adsense program easier.
Create a blog using service (blogspot).
Write at least 50 articles Speak English. If you have trouble making the English language article, copy and paste articles from sites that allow providers to be shared article. But is not Google Adsense has support Indonesian? yes it is true, but I think it is easier to register with a blog with the content of the English language in Indonesian if your blog is new. The reason is simple, because the advertiser (advertiser) of Indonesia are still not so many in number.
Design your template as beautiful as possible, but for this step is not so much of an effect. What is important at the core Menu Navigation on your blog complete, so that the reader free to browse the contents of your blog. Since my first ever list of google adsense and not approve because of that reason.
Create an Account Free Domain CC.CC, why should wear a domain? Because according to my experience that I can no longer accept anymore Publisher to websites and blogs using blogspot subdomain. Once completed please register at blogspot arrives Domain settings you created earlier.
List of Adsense through menu Monetize / Earning an at Dashboard. Do not sign up through / adsense. Fill your data in accordance with the existing identity of the ID card. Make no mistake of writing the name. Because later on when Google adsense will dilute earnings you will have trouble.
After all the above steps are completed, the next step is your Adsense account Swap with adsense account of pre-Approve. Why? I also do not understand, but I do have many tricks and always diapprove. How to Switch Adsense Account is entered Monetize menu / Earning. Click the menu Switch Adsense Account / Switch AdSense account. After that the content of email and ZIP code Adsense adsense account of pre-Approve.